I learned that she had arrived at her current family via a dealer and that she had been sold as part of a job lot - unbelievable given her pedigree and the price her breeding and colour demands. Happily for her she was bought by a family who has loved and cared for her and basically kept her as a pet for a number of years. I`m not sure how the lady who contacted me knows Pridey`s current owners but she was keen to hear my part of her story. It seems that Pridey has a couple of progeny, one of whom was foaled before I had her but of whom I was unaware. Interestingly, there is also one for sale . . .
I actually found it quite emotional. For many years I have wondered what became of my beautiful little Rum pony. Although she was mine for such a very short time she was my first ever pony and I was deeply attached to her. I was heartbroken when she failed her vetting and I was advised to return her to her owners. I can remember the day we took her back and we put her in the orchard on her own. I was on nights that night and walked out of handover feeling very low indeed. Mel had noticed my sagging shoulders and had placed a hand on either side and given me a squeeze for reassurance. All these years later and I still recall that act of kindness.
The lady who rang is going to keep me informed of progress. She has promised to email me to let me know what happens, especially after she speaks to Pridey`s current owner. I have said that I am happy for my number to be passed on for this other lady to know a bit more about the pony they have loved for all these years. My hope is that I will be able to visit Pridey in whichever home she is at.
Incredible, after all these years of wondering, that I should now know what became of her.
Pridey (right) with Willow

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