Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Catch Up

It`s been some time since I`ve written Dudley`s blog, mainly due to work issues than lack of time. Whilst I feel to have been in some decline, Dudley has continued to flourish and is the best I`ve ever seen him. He`s keen, fit, bright and up to no end of mischief. He is so settled where he is and although I wish he had more turnout in winter, I can honestly say that up until now he hasn`t been too bothered. The birds are singing now though and the days are getting longer and I wish he could spend his days outside and his nights tucked up in his bed, just as he likes. That`s the only downside. In every other respect he has blossomed beyond belief. He is clearly a very capable pony and has been schooled very well at some point in the past - unlike me! Sarah rides him and he`s away in an outline, ears forward, correct leg. Little Annie, all of twelve and a slip of a thing, hops aboard and Dudley just loves it! She so very politely asks if she may ride Dudley and I very delightedly say yes, just for the fun the pair of them have. He deserves it!

It`s incredible to see him as he is now compared to how he was. All those investigations, xrays, nerve blocks, bute, physio and who knows what else and all he needed was riding correctly, to work his muscles again and to drop some weight in the process. Sarah was right. It`s like having a whole new pony - and I think he feels like a new one too! He`s amazing!