Thursday, 10 May 2012

Dudley`s in the Doghouse!

Dudley`s in the doghouse;
He wou`n`t get out of bed.
Perhaps he`d seen the rain outside,
Preferred indoors instead!

Dudley`s in the doghouse;
His mane`s a mangled mess.
He`s tossed and turned and rubbed it round
So now it looks like cress!

Dudley`s in the doghouse;
His hooves are cased in poo.
He`s obviously an idle boy,
Too lazy for the loo!

Dudley`s in the doghouse;
A pleasant place to be.
For while rains and roars outside,
He`s tucked up next to me!

Flat out when I arrived

A little bit of interest

The view outside

Back to bed!

Can`t blame him, I suppose; it is pretty horrid out there today!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Muddy Boys

It`s been nice to see the sunshine these last few days after days of grey skies and fog last week. It was nice, too, to see that Duds isn`t always the muddiest boy on the block!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


Dudley has two new neighbours, Harry to his right and Marcus to his left. They moved in on Monday and so far have proved to be rather noisy! Harry shakes his head quite badly at times and kicks his door and Marcus has a tendency to holler and shake his head about quite wildly - usually when I`m turning the corner from the hay barn. I`ll end up with a head injury at this rate! Early days though and they need time to settle. This afternoon they were dozing over their doors, Dudley and Harry quite cosied up together. Time will tell.

Dudley, not too sure!

Looking Good!

Saturday, 3 March 2012


Dudley has developed certain obsessions. His main one at the moment is to pull at any pieces of velcro he can find about my person. The velcro cuffs are his current favourite and he will root around until he finds a bit then with his teeth he deftly unfastens it. He once did the same with a hi viz tabard I had which fastened with velcro tabs that passed around the body and attached at the back. By the time I had bent down and locked the gate he had undone all the straps and the tabard fell off!

He likes my pony tail too. If he`s in the stable when I`m mucking out (they`re still in at night), he will chomp on it and try to remove the bobble. He`ll try and do the same while I`m grooming him, twisting round to grab any bit of my hair he can find. He`s the same with wellies and the buckle on the side. Not for the first time has he made a grab at it as I`ve walked past, the buckles on the ariat wellies being somewhat substantial and apparently irresistable.

His other little foible is grooming. He has a particular penchant for the nape of my neck and the small of my back and while I know I should probably disallow him, I do rather like that bristly massage, especially when he gets his teeth in!

Friday, 2 March 2012


After a decidedly dodgy start the day opened up into a beautiful Spring day with warm sunshine and oyster catches calling across the fields. There were midgies in the air and a woodpecker still pecking in the coppice. After a stroll round the block and up the track Duds took the air and the late afternoon sun while I busied myself with yard jobs. This is a lovely time of year.

Thursday, 1 March 2012


It was stunningly beautiful first thing this morning. The birds were still singing their songs and a woodpecker continued his tapping on a tree in the nearby coppice. The sun was warm on Dudley`s back as he stood waiting for me to take him down to the field and Simba, resident mouser, sat languidly leaning on the warm wall, just enjoying the warmth of the day after a cold night out.

Down to the field with Tonto the tall and elegant DWB and Sarah warns that he`ll take off so be careful. Boy, did he ever take off! Too fast and too strong for Sarah to hold he flew down the field, leadrope still attached and flying also, he galloped in elevated action and sheer joie de vie. Dudley, this side of the gate to prevent him joining in, took advantage of the lush, green grass that was growing around the posts. Without his partner in crime Tonto spun round to the gate a few times with Sarah in quiet approach before turning tail and shooting off again in the opposite direction. It`s interesting to watch Sarah`s manner and her patience with the big, grey miscreant, so diametrically opposed to the manner employed by our previous YO. Eventually her patience paid off and the little orange bribes effected the removal of the lead rope and with a kick and a spin, off he set again.

Dudley followed me into the field and obeyed his `round and do the gate` command, then off with the head collar and down with the head - not for a Highland to waste energy careering down the field when there`s grass to be had a warm sun to enjoy! Passing him in the field on my way down the drive he had clearly found a patch of very muddy mud - and rolled! Bless him!

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Catch Up

It`s been some time since I`ve written Dudley`s blog, mainly due to work issues than lack of time. Whilst I feel to have been in some decline, Dudley has continued to flourish and is the best I`ve ever seen him. He`s keen, fit, bright and up to no end of mischief. He is so settled where he is and although I wish he had more turnout in winter, I can honestly say that up until now he hasn`t been too bothered. The birds are singing now though and the days are getting longer and I wish he could spend his days outside and his nights tucked up in his bed, just as he likes. That`s the only downside. In every other respect he has blossomed beyond belief. He is clearly a very capable pony and has been schooled very well at some point in the past - unlike me! Sarah rides him and he`s away in an outline, ears forward, correct leg. Little Annie, all of twelve and a slip of a thing, hops aboard and Dudley just loves it! She so very politely asks if she may ride Dudley and I very delightedly say yes, just for the fun the pair of them have. He deserves it!

It`s incredible to see him as he is now compared to how he was. All those investigations, xrays, nerve blocks, bute, physio and who knows what else and all he needed was riding correctly, to work his muscles again and to drop some weight in the process. Sarah was right. It`s like having a whole new pony - and I think he feels like a new one too! He`s amazing!